Logistics Optimization of Bulk Deliveries

Tanzania Portland Cement Public Limited Company (TPCPLC) is the largest cement producer in Tanzania and is part of the Heidelberg Cement Group. TPCPLC was established in 1966 and its main activity is the manufacturing and sale of cement.
TPCPLC has a countrywide distribution network and uses the Logistics Application to manage its order and delivery cycles. The Logistics Application provides real-time updates on order assignment, loading, and delivery confirmations, making it the first of its kind in Tanzania. This is extremely critical as cement sales are often in bulk volumes and the supply chain dynamics require timely deliveries to meet the expectations of all parties involved.
With an excellent logistics infrastructure, TPCPLC is able to manage timely deliveries to its clients. The Logistics Application reinforces service delivery with timely updates and increases client confidence in the company.
The Problem
TPCPLC and their customers faced challenges due to the lack of real-time information regarding cement deliveries. They were often unaware of the status of their orders, whether the cement was loaded en route, or when it would arrive. This lack of visibility caused inconvenience and uncertainty. Additionally, TPCPLC’s manual processes proved to be inefficient. Drivers had to physically collect order manifests at the company’s offices before loading cement, resulting in a loss of time and resources.
Moreover, the order processing was tedious, as each order had to be created and uploaded individually in their ERP system, followed by manually transferring the information to the respective drivers for delivery. Another issue was the reliance on telephonic communication for order and delivery updates. This led to constant back-and-forth communication between TPCPLC and their drivers, causing delays and potential miscommunication.

The Solution
AFRITRACK had already installed IoT vehicle trackers on TPCPLC’s fleet of delivery trucks, used for delivering bulk cement to various locations throughout the country.
To implement this solution, AFRITRACK emphasized the use of smart mobile phones for the drivers installed with AFRITRACK’s Logistics App. This allowed them to view assigned orders, update the loading status, and obtain client sign-offs.
The logistics application was configured to align with the client’s operational workflows. It provided essential functionality such as batch order creation and upload, driver and truck binding, driver assignment, and order status updates.

Batch Order Creation

Routes/ order status

In addition to the above, the solution also included a cloud based logistics planning tool and control center dashboard to monitor logistics operation under way.

The Results
Optimized Order Planning:
With accurate real-time information, TPCPLC improved order planning and received a higher number of pre-scheduled customer orders, enhancing overall efficiency.
Faster Delivery:
The Logistics Application enabled instant notification of delivery requests to drivers, reducing the time it took to process and assign drivers on delivery requests. This led to faster and more efficient deliveries.
Environmental Impact:
By replacing paper-based processes with digital technology, TPCPLC contributed to environmental conservation by reducing paper consumption significantly.
Streamlined Operations:
Order processing and assignment times were reduced to a mere 5 minutes, eliminating the need for physical interactions and time-consuming communications between staff and drivers.
Efficient Communication:
Telephonic communication was minimized, and information was transitioned to online platforms and SMS, providing comprehensive details to drivers and customers.
End-to-End Visibility:
TPCPLC gained complete visibility into the entire order processing and delivery cycle, enhancing control and operational efficiency.